Sunday, March 24, 2013


Verona is famed for its annual months long Opera Festival (summer) which takes place in it's enormous Roman Arena.  It's also known as the place that Romeo and Juliet had their ill-fated love affair.  And for these kids, it's probably best remembered as the first gelato stop on the tour.

There's a reason part of Juliet is so shiny.

Brian is protecting his identity - the boot gives him away though.

Always having fun.

The streets of Verona are made for shoppers.  And lame selfies.

An attempt at anonymity.

They actually quoted Shakespeare - loud enough to entertain the Japanese tourists below.

A few of the Juliet balcony pictures

Aladdin and his mom.

Jackson and his new friend.

Hey, it's just what you're supposed to do - don't judge them.

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