Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Five Lands

Hikers get ready for their day in the hills of the Cinque Terre

Aladin over the magically reborn land of Vernazza.

A year and a half ago, this scene was one of chaos and destruction - as a huge flash flood filled the town's one main street with mud, trees, and overturned cars.  Rebuilding is basically complete now.

These are the "super" ladies who joined us on the long and grueling full hike of the Cinque Terre.

It's Nice.

Between us and the end of the earth.

Fancy night at the Ristorante Moresco.

Two thumbs up.

Proud father!

Medieval and WW2 lookout.

Now that's a cheese sandwich.

Kings of the Castle. 

With the Cinque Terre as a backdrop.  All is good.

They have had unseasonably cold and wet weather in Liguria this year.  Except the day we were there!


Photo op.

As long as it's not a kid, it's all good.  Fences by Fred.

Follow the red and white.

One of the many beautiful panoramas on the Ligurian Coast.

Beaches of Levanto.

Keep moving - we're on the right track!

Finally - the destination of our pilgrimage - the Sanctuary of Saint Soviore.

The hikers who opted for the full day excursion.

Inside the church of San Soviore.

The legendary and ancient pieta of San Soviore.  Buried for centuries and found by a priest who followed a dove.

Outside the medieval sanctuary.  Pilgrims have walked here from many miles around for hundreds of years - this is a sacred place.

Time for a short rest and recalculation of the possibility of gelato!

Getting close to Vernazza!

Nathan snaps another shot with Vernazza in the background.

My new back yard?  Fred - what will this cost?

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