Saturday, March 30, 2013

Back to the Middle Ages

After our day in Roman Arles, we traveled back to the Middle Ages with our visit to the destroyed four castles of Lastours and the intact fortified city and castle of Carcassonne.  Lastours was unbelievable - huge castle towers built on four rocky peaks a thousand years ago to protect a population that included Jews and Cathars (a Christian sect) from persecution.  Unfortunately, French troops, backed by the church, were able to siege and destroy the castles during the Albigensian Crusades - whose purpose was specifically to wipe out the Cathars.  The last one was executed in 1321.  Why did they hate them?  Because they worshiped differently.  The Cathars were an aesthetic sect of Christianity - following a vegetarian diet to reduce the pain and suffering in the world, and eschewing the materialism of the mainstream church.  In the tolerant Languedoc region of France, they were accepted and loved by their non-Cathar neighbours.  But for the rest of Europe, this was unacceptable.  It is sad but true - through most of history, intolerance and persecution of those who were "different" was the European way.  Not any more of course - the lessons learned from their tragic history have all but erased hatred and intolerance, making those who seek to divide rather than unite the small fringe element rather than the norm.

Rens - our trusted driver and European host!

Mike, our trusted goofball.

This one's a little small for Mr. J.  I think Esther got through without ducking though.

Lastours was stunning - I couldn't stop taking pictures.

We had to go through a small cave to access the castles.

Trying to get 51 people into a small space for a photo isn't easy!

With two of the four castle ruins of Lastours in the background.

"What are you looking at, dude?"

Megan contemplates the scenic beauty of this hidden part of France.

Even my hair was blowing in the wind up there.

Sorry Crystal.  I had to.

Luke, not realizing the hole he climbed into was the castle toilet.

This activity was not approved!  As soon as I came down from the tower behind me and saw this, I got all of them down.  Took the picture first of course.  "But there were stairs going up Mr. Bresett." Yeah, don't do that again!

I didn't bring my huge, heavy DSLR camera this year, and for most of the trip have been really glad I didn't.  Except here!

It was dark and scary in the stairway up the tower.

We hiked a lot on this trip - always an excellent way to get you excited about what you are going to see.

Our goal in the distance.

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