Sunday, March 24, 2013


I've visited the Dolomites region (the Italian Alps) before, but never with the students.  With a world renowned archeological museum, a beautiful mountain backdrop, and a unique South Tyrolean German/Italian culture and cuisine, it makes a great first stop in Italy.

The kids get to play with a layered computerized image of Otzi, the 5300 year old man found in the receding glaciar on the border of Austria and Italy.  We also got to see his well preserved body, clothing, weapons, etc.  Really cool stuff!  In Bolzano.

They has a real wood fire going for us in our own room at the several hundred year old Batzenhausl restaurant in Bolzano.

Not sure what is going on here.

Visitors board at the South Tyrol Archaeology Museum.  C+ for the art.

Nice Italian man chats with the ladies.

These guys were LOUD!  Lots of laughs.


Otzi and I.

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