Saturday, March 30, 2013

Roman France

Arles is a beautiful city in the south of France whose Roman ruins rival those of Rome!

Ancient Roman arches - evidence of our long-ago ancestors' ingenuity.

Where are the bulls?

Front of the arena.

They still hold "bull games" in here - a display of skill and speed that does not involve harm to the animal.

Shine down on us!

Guy just walked into my picture.

Enjoying the cool sun.

This enormous outdoor theatre once seated up to 30 000.

Ready for the next play.

Connor is a blur in the underground crypts of Arles.

Inside the main church of Arles.

The Cryptoportiques.

The sun gently illuminates a tapestry in the cathedral.

The town square with its ancient Egyptian obelisk.

End of another beautiful day in Europe.

In front of the Roman Arena.

Just another typical street in Arles.

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