Friday, March 15, 2013

Bienvenue en France

Vimy Ridge was suitably freezing cold for our visit.  The students learned about the brave Canadians who fought in this key battle of WW I as we contemplated all those young men willing to sacrifice everything on that cold Easter Monday in 1917.

Versailles is what your house wishes it was - an opulent pleasure palace with everything you need at hand.  Want to go to church?  Walk down the hall to your own personal chapel.  Maybe a night at the opera?  Walk down the hall to your own personal opera house.  Louis XIV lived large.

We had some extra time, so I threw in an unscheduled visit to the Arc de Triomphe.  Burned some of our French dinner calories off climbing those 284 steps to the top.

We're  off for a FULL day in Paris in a few minutes.  Enjoy these pictures from yesterday!

The park surrounding the Vimy monument is land that has been granted to Canada in perpetuity.

It was a very cold day with a bitter wind.

Unfortunately the steps at the front of the monument were too iced over for us to descend (this is taken at the back of the monument).

Navigating the crowds at Versailles - this is Louis personal entrance to his Royal Chapel.

In the cold sun of Versailles.

Check out Louis' abs!

The infamous Hall of Mirrors. 

Mike representing his Canucks pride in the Sun King's palace.

My wife loves chandeliers - this one's for her.  I'll try and bring one home in my suitcase.  Oh wait, I don't have a suitcase.

Not sure what to say here.

Happy shoppers at C&A in Paris.  Thanks Lufthansa!

Monte Carlo restaurant in Paris - fine dining for 52.

Fred's going for dessert first.

These people just appeared out of nowhere.

Andre - une tête d'épingle réel

The tower - all lit up, as seen from the top of the Arc de Triomphe

More stairs!

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - a body from the battlefields of Verdun is buried under this perpetually burning flame.  We visit Verdun before we leave France.

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