Monday, April 1, 2013

Adiós Amigos!

Europe 2013.  It was a long journey - certainly longer than the last 19 days we spent together.  From its inception back in April 2012, it has been a work of joy for Mr. Johnson and myself.  We truly love sharing these experiences with our students and chaperones.  Good travel should be meaningful and joyous - these educational trips are planned with that in mind every step of the way. 

The kids were well cared for on this trip - we had an excellent group of chaperones!  Olga, Julie, Hassan, Andre, Susan, Leanne, Fred, Sharon, Janice, Leanne, Chris, Crystal, Mike, Jane, Vicki, and Patti - thank you for joining us and for supporting the students.  It was great getting to know you.

The kids were awesome - positive and fun, even through a few glitches (flight delays, missing luggage, injuries).  I enjoy teaching them in a different environment - no desks, notes, or books - just great stories (mostly true) "in situ" (look it up!).

And of course I must thank my friend Rens, who came out of his well-deserved retirement to drive us all over Europe again.  He's a great guy - I hope he drives us again!

All three of us, happy to have been at your service!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Nos encanta España!

Our two days in Barcelona we were filled with glorious architectural and gastronomic delights!

Gaudi's Parc Güell on a hill over the city

The top of Casa Milà - one of Gaudi's apartment complexes in downtown Barcelona

One of the Casa Milà apartment balconies

At the Parc Güell

Plaça de Catalunya - one of the many grand squares in the city

The holy santos lined the walls of the old Barcelona Cathedral

It was a warm sunny day, so we warned the kids to bring sweats if they were wearing shorts - otherwise they would not be allowed into the churches!

Gothic beauty of Barcelona

The saint my daughter is named after (Magdalena Marie Bresett)


Christopher Columbus - Genovese sailor, discoverer of new lands, stands huge and imposing at the shore of the city he returned to after his first trip overseas.

I have to eat tapas for lunch every day from now on.

More holy santos

The lion and the lamb.

The holy family at the Sagrada Familia (holy family)

Gaudi's vision for this cathedral continues to be worked on long after his death.  Could be done in 20 years or so!

Gaudi loved nature and reflected this in his work

Good Friday in the Sagrada Familia

The Passion Facade

Last gelato!!!  Bittersweet.

Pajamas in public.  High class.

Mr. J explains Gaudi's plans for this large park.

Karate Kid and dad

Amazing dinner at Divinus - Shakiba's birthday too!

Spanish food is tops.  The fish plate.

More classy pajamas in public!

Mr. J explains you must be this tall to ride.

Lonely tapas

They totally just pickpocketed Mr. Johnson.

No one answered.

In front of Casa Milla.  Apparently my daughter Kasmira wants to move in - she asked how much the apartments cost after seeing a picture of this I put on facebook.

Aladdin in Barcelona!


Jordi and Sergi Brunat - they both went to LFMSS for a few months at the start of grade 8, and spent the afternoon with us in their city!

I stayed up on the roof for a long time - took a lot of pictures...

Not an amusement park - just a building in Parc Güell

Great group of people.

as above.